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The legs are the body's key structure for providing body balance and swift reaction during movement or intense exercise. The muscles of the legs maintain balance and coordination of the body during motions. The thigh has quadriceps, hamstring muscles, hip abductors and hip adductors. It provides the hip and tho knee with stability while standing or moving. Impact contusions and hip adductors strains can often be caused by sharp steps or changes of direction, The calf helps maintain the balance of the ankle joints and is composed of the tibialis anterior muscle and the posterior calf muscles. Sudden strenuous movement or long term repetitive activity can inflame the Achilles tendon or stiffen and cramp the muscles.
The legs are key for maintaining balanced movement. The LP Sports Medicine Team studies the dynamic performance of the legs under all kinds of conditions and uses the compression of a support brace to strengthen the support capabilities of the legs. Protective gear also helps reduce the impact from reaction to sudden movement or exercise on the muscles of the thighs and calves. LP thigh support gives the best thigh support and compression for thigh injuries and decreases pain. After an injury, LP bracing can effectively slow swelling and decrease pain. It helps maintain the extension of muscles within a more reasonable range, cushioning the force of excessive stretching. LP thigh and shin support are used in case of leg injuries.Thigh support helps in quadriceps and hamstring strain and shin support helps in case of shin and calf pain.
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