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Mallet Toe occur when the joint at the end of the toe cannotstraighten up. Excessive rubbing of the mallet toe of the shoe n lead to painand the development of a corn. The up of the toe is often turned down againstthe shoe using pressure and discomfort.
Development of mallet toes is often caused by bone andmuscle imbalances. People who are constantly on their feet or participate inathletic activities are more likely to develop mallet toes. Arthritis can also leadto many fore foot deformities including mallet toes. Mallet toes can causeextreme discomfort. Mallet toes can be aggravated if restrictive or improperlyfitting footwear is worn for long time.
Ignoring the symptoms of mallet toe can aggravate thecondition and lead to a breakdown of tissue, or possibly even infection.Conservative treatment of mallet toes begins with accommodating the deformity.This prevents further irritation on the toe area from developing.
Other conservative treatments include forefoot supports sud1as, gel toe caps, gel toe shields and toe crests. Gel forefoot supports provideimmediate comfort and relief from common forefoot disorders, without drying theskin. Gel forefoot supports provide immediate comfort and relief from common forefootdisorders without drying the skin.
LP footcare products like digicare crests,digicare elastic caps provide comfort and relief from forefoot disorders.
PRODUCT FEATURERealign deformed toes and eveb interdigital pressure.Reduce pain caused by pressure s..
PRODUCT FEATUREKnitted fabric fully coated with gel protects digits against rubbing. Totally pr..