Shoulder Support / 958
Speeds healing of shoulder dislocation or subluxation. Allows gradual return to full range of ..
Rs.1,435.50 Rs.1,595.00
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Fatigue from repeated swinging of the arm or excessive use can cause shoulder tendon strains. joint abrasions or arthritis. The shoulder joint is the acromio-clavicular joint formed at the shoulder glenoid of the humerus and the scapula. The size of the shoulder glenoid is only one-third the size of the humeral head, providing greater angles of movement, but its stability is relatively low. requiring the support of the labrum, muscles and ligaments to strengthen stability.The functions of shoulder muscles depend on the overall performance of shoulder activity and repeated arm swings and twists can easily cause strains of the rotator cuff muscles tendons, shoulder joint degeneration, instability or dislocations. Long-term abrasion of the shoulder joint can result in tendon tears and arthritis, and even a subsequent "frozen shoulder", resulting in limited shoulder movement and pain.
The shoulder is the pivot that drives the movement of the whole arm, achieving stability and movement with several small muscle groups. LP Sports Medicine Team has designed protective gear for shoulders, providing comfortable support to the joints with special materials like CoolPrene, strengthening the shoulder‘s overall stability. Specially designed protective gear can lower the chance of dislocation of an injured joint when the muscles are too weak to give support. To ensure the shoulders tightness and constraint, it even has the effects of reducing pain and warming and promoting blood circulation, helping to repair tissue and prevent further strains. LP shoulder support provides therapeutic warmth to the shoulder. LP offers technically advanced orthopedic and protective body support products.
Speeds healing of shoulder dislocation or subluxation. Allows gradual return to full range of ..
Rs.1,435.50 Rs.1,595.00